I received a nudge from My Higher Self this week. After checking and confirming with him, we are now offering group energy healing for pets.

Each pet will receive two energy healing per month. Each healing is scheduled for 15 minutes but it may extend for a bit.
My Higher Self, Yestred will be joined by Ascended Master Kuthumi for the group healing for pets.
If you would like to get some clarity on why we are offering this, you can watch my video here.
Hopefully, the video answers some questions that you have.
It is no secret that my Higher Self loves animals. Now that he is with me, I am his anchor in the physical world, and so he would love to work on and send healing to pets. The more the merrier.
If you would like your pets to receive monthly energy healing from my Higher Self and Ascended Master Kuthumi, you can join one of the newly published memberships on Patreon.
There are 3 different memberships for group healing for pets. They are based on the number of pets.
If you are interested, after you have signed up for any of the group healing for pets, send us an email with a picture of each pet and their name. As a bonus for you, you will be included in the monthly Love & Peace Transmission.
The energy healing for pets will start on Monday, October 10th BNT.
We look forward to send healing to your pets.
Peace & Love,

Important: Energy healing for pets is strictly not for pets with cancer